SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process of improving the rank of a web page or website in SERP (Search engine result page) of target search engine for a set of identified keyword or key phrases. In other words, SEO is about getting your target webpage on the top of your target search engine as quickly as possible to get people to click on your website.

Before moving further first of all let’s understand what a keyword or key phrase actually means, a keyword is the word for which the target user might search in the desired search engine where as a key phrase is the combination of words for which the user might search in the search engine. This would be further explained by the example below, e.g. If a user from Birmingham is searching for a SEO company in Birmingham, he might search it simply by SEO, which is a keyword, also he might use the combinations SEO Birmingham or SEO company Birmingham which would be termed as key phrases, the location of the company plays another major role in the combination of key phrases.

Now let’s give a quick look how the optimization for the websites or web pages is done.

We have two factors which influence the ranking of webpage in the search engine, they are ‘on page’ and ‘off page’ factors.

The term ‘on page factor’ is basically concerned with the coding part of the webpage. To improve the ranking we have to make changes in the header tags, image alt tag writing, meta tags which are further classified into title tag, keyword tag and description tag. Changing one of the tags don’t guarantee of changing your webpage ranking in search engine; we have to keenly understand the user’s behavior and should work on changing all the factors which would result into improvement of web page ranking in search engine.

However, sometimes we can see that all the competitor websites also have the same ‘on page factors’, so here comes the role of ‘off page factors’ which would decide the ranking in the SERP.

The off page factors which play a major role in deciding rank are user behavior after logging on to the website, manual search engine submission and link building. The link building is further classified into six parts one way link, reciprocal link, run of site links, deep linking, authority linking and three way links.  

Sometimes, not only these two factors which decide web page ranking there are also many other important factors which decide the webpage ranking they are relevancy, page rank, anchor text and broad base. We also need to post in blogs and create forums and must work on social bookmarking for improving the ranking of webpage in the desired SERP.

All the above factors play a major role in deciding the web page ranking, this can further be explained as if you search with SEO or SEO company Birmingham, the top search would show you the webpage linking to a web page of a company, which means the company must have worked hard in improving their webpage ranking by working on both on page as well as off page factors.