Search engine optimization, often coined as SEO, is a brilliant technique of internet marketing if applied correctly. It basically focuses on increasing the search engine ranking of your website so as to make it visible to the regular as well as casual web surfers. The website is optimized for certain keywords that are most often searched regarding your business domain. The goal of the whole SEO process is bring more and more traffic to the website. Outsourcing SEO projects to India has become a regular and profitable activity for European and American company’s.
SEO is not some trick or magic, infact it is a highly technical and effort requiring process. You may get to the first page of the major search engines but constantly staying there there when your potential customers are searching for you is what matters. SEO should be a continuous process as your competitors are also likely to go for it.
SEO is a Part of internet marketing(a major part) and is in itself a very vast area of application. Some of the core activities of a Search Engine Optimization process are-:
1. Keyword research and Analysis
2. Competition Analysis
3. Onpage and Offpage Optimization
4. Link Building
5. Content creation
6. Blog Promotion
7. Article Directory Submission
8. Social Bookmarking
9. Social Media Optimization
10. pay per click
11. Traffic Report Generation
unfortunately, a lot of SEO companies are engaged in unethical or black hat SEO practices. They claim to provide 1st ranking in major search engines. Even Google – the no. 1 search engine clearly states in its guidelines for webmasters that no one can guarantee no.1 ranking. If anyone guarantees 1st rank in search engines then either they are lying or they are practicing inorganic Search engine optimization techniques. Unethical SEO practice will surely get you banned in the search engines. Your website wont appear in the results anymore. You may have to opt for creating a whole new website as a result of such practices.
You can avail effective and ethical SEO services from India at a much cheaper rate as compared to U.S, U.K, and European markets. If you want to avail effective SEO services from India you have a lot of options to choose from. But I would recommend Ultraseo, a SEO India company, which provides most innovative and result oriented SEO services in India.