When I was thinking to be an SEO, I had so many questions regarding the field of SEO. Those questions were common for any newbie, and I had many questions concerning the scope of the field. This is what motivated me to write this article. In this article, the crux of the study will be perceived.
Pros - This makes an SEO writer confident
As everyone knows SEO has a power to formulate a product into a brand. It can be done by an indivdualor by employees in an organization. SEO writers are life blood for an SEO firm. A company can strike the market place and the buyer much easily. The advantage of SEO over disturbance nature of marketing (the conservative marketing) is that the buyer always has perseverance to buy a product by means of knowledge, because every buyer at internet contains open end to gain facts, and used to it.
By means of SEO a company or a person can grow tremendously. The reason is that a buyer on internet is directly proportional to the population of the E-GLOBE. A person can start his/her own business because there is no marketing cost and one can easily market itself. The chances of failure are almost 0%. You just need to be tolerant.. SEO empowers the entrepreneurs; it’s a fact that IT industry has ten times more growth then a physical or conservative industry just because of abundant buyers / consumers. Even retired and home bound populace (house wives, handicap etc) can benefit from SEO. For the sake of starting SEO you just need to have a personal computer and a high speed internet connection, which is quite affordable. SEO is nothing but a tool to a marketer and internet multiplies the power of it.Cons - SEO writers, Things to remember
A website, blog or portal might take couple of months to be optimized or get monetized.
SEO writers must remember one thing; SEO is a field of long-sufferer. A good SEO is always equipped with patience along with set of methodological data. Initially the traffic on a keyword may be small. This is a reality that organic results are greater in size but in-organic (SEM) results usually in low volume but has quick reaction. The un-continuity of SERP can disturb an SEO. The chief issue is once you get penalized on a particular page then it’s really hard to cope up the ranking (SERP).SEO writers, don’t be upset! It has more benefits then drawbacks. SEO is the field of observers not warriors, here in this field this quote is applicable “Slow and Steady win the race”. Knowledge is the key to success, calm down be steady and make your own customized strategy.